We will be holding a HTA town hall again in 2024. Join this session to learn about how statisticians can help enhance the relevance of JCA for decision-making at the member-state level.
The first EU-level Health Technology Assessment (HTA) submissions will kick off on the other side of January 2025, mandating submission of EU-level HTA evidence dossiers as part of the EU HTA Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA) process. The evidence dossiers will inform decisions about access to innovative treatments for patients across Europe and will necessitate the use of both conventional and innovative statistical methods on a scale, scope, and speed
never seen before.
However, what exactly does this mean for statisticians involved in the EU HTA JCA? Does this mark the end of preparations, or is it the starting gate of an ultra-marathon? What part will statisticians play in one of the most significant policy changes to affect the pharmaceutical industry in the last decade?
With implementing acts, evidence dossier templates, and learnings from the EUnetHTA JCA pilots at hand, we can now piece together a projection of what lies ahead.