R is quickly gaining popularity within the pharmaceutical industry due to it being a very powerful object-orientated language, and is able to produce analyses and high quality graphics. It can be used for high performance computing and allows easy integration with other software.
This course consists of 5 x 2-hour training sessions run over 5 weeks.
Each session will be repeated on two mornings per week (09:45am – 12:00pm), so attendees are able to pick which day they attend each week, out of the dates provided.
Session 1: Monday 1st November or Tuesday 2nd November
Session 2: Monday 8th November or Tuesday 9th November
Session 3: Monday 15th November or Tuesday 16th November
Session 4: Monday 22nd November or Tuesday23rd November
Session 5: Monday 29th November or Tuesday30th November
This course is aimed at clinical trial statisticians who are experienced with other software languages (such as SAS) and would like to increase their proficiency in R. The content can also be applied more widely in a non-clinical trial context. Participation will provide access to extensive course materials in the form of a 'bookdown' site. However, this is designed as a hands-on, interactive course. Both you and the trainers will work entirely within the RStudio Cloud development environment, which will remain accessible between virtual sessions in order to further explore and cement your understanding.
Topics covered include: Introduction to R and RStudio | Data types and vectors | Welcome to tidyverse | Importing/exporting data | Handling data | Piping | Summaries and aggregation | Setting and merging | Transposing data | Introduction to statistical analysis in R | R Graphics with ggplot2 (Layering, Aesthetics and groups, Graph types: geoms, Panelling: faceting, Themes and styling)
*Includes PSI membership for the remainder of 2021, and the entirety of the 2022 calendar year.
Standard Price
*Includes PSI membership for the remainder of 2021, and the entirety of the 2022 calendar year.