Event Details

Starting in 2025, a system for HTA, not entirely unlike that of EMA for regulatory assessments, will apply to new medicinal products submitted for EMA regulatory review. The system will require manufacturers to submit an HTA evidence dossier broad enough to support each member state's evaluation of relative effectiveness within the context of their specific healthcare system.

Is this a ripple that will matter mostly for statisticians specializing in HTA โ€“ or is it a splash that should be on all pharmaceutical statisticians radar?

Who is this event intended for?Statisticians who either work on regulatory or HTA submissions, or are involved in evaluating HTA submissions. Non-statisticians who want to understand statistical dimensions of HTA.

What is the benefit of attending? We hope this webinar will provide a deeper awareness and understanding of how the new EU HTA regulation may affect not only HTA but regulatory processes.

12:00-14:00 GMT | 13:00-15:00 CET


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  • Anders Gorst-Rasmussen (Statistical Director of Novo Nordisk)

    Anders Gorst-Rasmussen

    Statistical Director of Novo Nordisk

  • Anne Willemsen (Senior Project Manager for EUnetHTA 21 at Dutch National Healthcare Institute)

    Anne Willemsen

    Senior Project Manager for EUnetHTA 21 at Dutch National Healthcare Institute

  • Anja Schiel (Lead Methodologist in Regulatory and Pharmacoeconomic Statistics at Norwegian Medicines Agency)

    Anja Schiel

    Lead Methodologist in Regulatory and Pharmacoeconomic Statistics at Norwegian Medicines Agency

  • Dima Samaha (Principal, Payer Evidence Solutions at IQVIA)

    Dima Samaha

    Principal, Payer Evidence Solutions at IQVIA

  • Mihai Rotaru (Senior Manager Market Access at EFPIA)

    Mihai Rotaru

    Senior Manager Market Access at EFPIA

  • Lara Wolfson (Head HTA Statistics at MSD)

    Lara Wolfson

    Head HTA Statistics at MSD

  • Emma Crawford (Associate Principal Biostatistician, HTA at MSD)

    Emma Crawford

    Associate Principal Biostatistician, HTA at MSD


Anders Gorst-Rasmussen

In December 2021, the EU-regulation on HTA (HTAr) was passed. Among other things, HTAr mandates joint EU-level assessment of all new medicines in parallel with the EMA regulatory review, based on a dossier submitted by the manufacturer. Having a joint assessment covering the needs of all 27 EU member states and tied to EMA timelines, is a completely new paradigm that will have major implications for how companies set up and align HTA and regulatory and statistical work.

Anne Willemsen

What is a Joint Clinical Assessment and what requirements are outlined in the HTAR. Furthermore, insights are provided on the scoping process and relevance of the PICO for a JCA.

Anja Schiel

One of the most discussed issues around the upcoming HTA legislation (HTAR) is the fear of being confronted with an unreasonable number of PICO's at the time of a joined clinical assessment (JCA). Surprisingly this issue is rarely, if ever, discussed by the applicants during the JSC's. The assumption must be that the PICO can't be predicted early in the process and will likely be only determined at the very last moment by the HTAB's. While there is a scoping process taking place immediately before the start of the JCA it is worth understanding that these PICOs do not arbitrarily change and that they are predictable.

Anja will discuss the theory behind the PICO and how it is supposed to be interpreted by applicants.

Dima Samaha

Dima will present lessons learned from previously conducted pan-EU assessments under JA3 with a forward looking view on what an additive PICO approach embedding evidence requirements of all Member States could look like.

Mihai Rotaru

The EU pharmaceutical industry is keen act as a partner in the development of a fit-for-purpose future system of JCA at EU level. As such, EFPIA is working with its members across a matrix of topics ranging from EU JCA process and implementation at national level, methods, JSC and overall advocacy with an underlying legal support as well. The purpose is to ensure that EFPIA speaks with one voice at EU level but also to ensure that companies are prepared from day 1 to meaningfully participate in the future system and to leverage these efforts into better evidence generation and overall clinical assessment of their innovation.

Lara Wolfson

The new paradigm for EU HTA Joint Clinical Assessments will rely heavily on statistical analysis. How can the statistical community prepare for this development? When, where, and how should statisticians be involved? What new capacities and systems needs to be developed? How can academic, government, and industry statisticians effectively collaborate to achieve the EU HTA regulation goals of patient access? In this panel discussion, we will talk with a number of key leaders in the area on these questions and more.


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