Event Details


Lea Vaas will present how replacement of concurrent control animals by Virtual Control Groups (VCGs) in systemic toxicity studies may help in contributing to the 3R's principle of animal experimentation: Reduce, Refine, Replace. This will be followed by Q&A.

Who is this event intended for? Statisticians in Pharmaceutical Industry

What is the benefit of attending? Learning about Virtual Control Groups in animal studies and its application in toxicity Studies.


14:00-15:00 GMT | 15:00-16:00 CET

Please note: This webinar was originally planned for the 4th June, but due to unforeseen circumstances has now been rescheduled, and will instead take place on Tuesday 26th November 2024.


  • Lea Vaas (Statistician at Bayer AG)

    Lea Vaas

    Statistician at Bayer AG

    L. Vaas studied Plant biotechnology and got roped into statistics and data-analysis during her M.Sc. on multiple comparisons in augmented experimental designs. Finishing a PhD as co-developer of an R-package for analysis of high-dimensional longitudinal data set the course for pursuing a career in the field of statistics. After different Postdoc experiences in academic research institutions such as Helmholtz and Fraunhofer, L. Vaas joined Bayer in 2017 in the group of Research and Pre-Clinical Statistics.

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